2021-12-03 10:59:39|已浏览:131次
"Patriotic reverence for the history of a nation often does more to impede than to encourage progress."
出于爱国对于一个国家的尊崇往往不是促进进步而是阻碍进步。1. It should be admitted that patriotic reverence for the history of a nation is a precondition of national cohesion.本文由培训无忧网新东方教育专属课程顾问老师整理发布,更多GRE考试培训相关课程请关注培训无忧网GRE培训或添加老师微信:15033336050
2. However, irrational reverence for national history would result in social conservatism that rejects the introduction of any social reforms.
3. Blind reverence for national history would also cause fanatic nationalism, making impossible the communication between nations and cultures.
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