2020-04-08 01:45:43|已浏览:17662次
题干: Listen again to part of the conversation/ lecture, and then answer the question.
位置: Conversation or Lecture 的最后一题
解题: 不契合次第准绳(音频中恣意疑问,反问及语气发作变化的句子)
1. What does the professor mean when she says this? (单纯重听题)
2. What does the woman imply when she says this? (重听和推断相分离)
所谓互动主题指的是题干中的说话者,以上面的问题方式为例,句一和句二的主体分别为the professor和 the woman。因而大家在重听句中应重点关注the professor和the woman的说话内容。
例一:Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
What does the professor mean when she says this ?
She will give the man extra credit if he rewrites his paper.
She is willing to extend the deadline for the man’s paper.
The man will probably not be able to finish his paper within a week.
The man should have started his paper sooner.
解析:此题是一道重听题,标题中的互动主体为the professor,标题中this 所指代的重听句为Professor: Would an extra week ease the pain? 在做这道题之前,大原原教师先为大家科普一下整篇对话发作的背景,这篇对话是一个常见的改论文场景,依据教授的倡议学生需求修正他的大局部论文。因而教授决议多给他额外的一周,并讯问他 Would an extra week ease the pain? (即本题的重听句)。听完重听句后让我们阅读四个选项并选择最具“互动”的一个。不难发现B选项的extend the deadline延长截至日期和我们所选的extra week 额外的一周是同义交换的关系,因而此题的正确选项为B。
例二:Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
What does the professor imply when he says this?
Students must have taken a course in the technique featured in the exhibition.
Exhibiting in the university gallery is a degree required for art majors.
Artwork submitted by a first-year students will probably not be accepted
The woman should submit her painting soon because the deadline is approaching.
解析:此题为一道重听题,标题中的互动主体为the professor, 标题中this所指代的重听句为Professor:Generally our exhibitors are third and fourth-year students, well into their coursework. 在做本道重听题之前,大原原教师还是按惯例为宝宝们提高一下这篇对话发作的背景,此篇对话中学生想要参与学校举行的绘画展览,因而在讯问教授怎样才干够有资历参与展览。教授对学生说通常来说我们参与展览的都是大三或大四的学生,并且课堂表现很好(本题的重听句)。接下来让我们一同剖析选项并选择最为“互动”的一个。不难看出C选项的first-year students 和重听句中的 third and fourth-year students具备近义即数字的互动,因而正确答案为C。
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