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来源:培训无忧网 发布人:木木

2021-10-24 11:57:41|已浏览:137次

      High-tech devices n.高科技仪器
      experiment with sth.v.体验/试用某物
      satisfy human curiosity v.满足人类的好奇心
      make progress v.取得进步
      provide someone with something v.给某人提供某物
      shorten the distance v.缩短距离
      shut down a computer v.关闭电脑
      surf the Internet v.上网(在网上冲浪)
      a hard-won discovery n.一个来之不易的发现
      speed up the pace of sth v.加速某物的步伐
      be based on v.基于...
      require someone to do something v.需要某人做某事
      there is no need to do… v.没必要做某事
      carry out a research v.实施一项研究
      connect to the Internet v.连上网
      push forward science and technology v.推动科学技术
      develop computer technology v.发展电脑科技
      advances in technology n.科技上的进步
      be the key to v.是…的关键
      check one’s email v.查邮件
      create a new trend v.创造新潮流
      do something by hand v.手工做某事
      electronic appliances n.电器
      improve the quality of life v.提高生活质量
      search for information v.搜索信息
      keep in touch with v.保持联系
      key something into a computer v.把…输入电脑
      make a long-distance call v.打长途电话
      take steps to do v.按照步骤做某事
      find answers to our questions v.找到我们问题的答案
      better understand ourselves and the world around us v.更好的了解我们自己和周围的世界
      potential benefits n.潜在的好处
      reduce suffering and add to suffering v.减轻痛苦和增加痛苦
      bring about great losses v.带来巨大的损失
      put a threat to v.对...造成威胁
      do harm to. v.对...有害
      enable people to do v.能让人们做某事
      equip people with the ability to do… v.让人们具备做某事的能力
      improve people’s quality of life v.提高人们的生活质量
      come to reality v.实现
      steal people’s attention away v.转移人们的注意
      face-to-face communication v.面对面的沟通
      with the help of…. prep.在...的帮助下



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